class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # A Title ## A Subtitle ### R Lille (
) ### octobre 29, 2021 --- # Introduction ## Subtitle `some code` and some text. A URL []( ```r 1 + 1 ``` ``` #> [1] 2 ``` ```r x <- 1 *y <- x + 1 y ``` ``` #> [1] 2 ``` --- # New slide with a panels .panelset[ .panel[.panel-name[R Code] ```r head(iris, 10) ``` ] .panel[.panel-name[Table] | Sepal.Length| Sepal.Width| Petal.Length| Petal.Width|Species | |------------:|-----------:|------------:|-----------:|:-------| | 5.1| 3.5| 1.4| 0.2|setosa | | 4.9| 3.0| 1.4| 0.2|setosa | | 4.7| 3.2| 1.3| 0.2|setosa | | 4.6| 3.1| 1.5| 0.2|setosa | | 5.0| 3.6| 1.4| 0.2|setosa | | 5.4| 3.9| 1.7| 0.4|setosa | | 4.6| 3.4| 1.4| 0.3|setosa | | 5.0| 3.4| 1.5| 0.2|setosa | | 4.4| 2.9| 1.4| 0.2|setosa | | 4.9| 3.1| 1.5| 0.1|setosa | ] .panel[.panel-name[Plot] <img src="data:image/png;base64,#D:/Profils/mcanouil/PROJECTS/rlille-xaringan-template/docs/index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] --- # GGPLOT2 With `code` <img src="data:image/png;base64,#D:/Profils/mcanouil/PROJECTS/rlille-xaringan-template/docs/index_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: part-slide # PART 1 With `code` --- # New slide With only text --- class: part-slide .center[ <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="data:image/png;base64,#" width = "200px"/></br> <img src="data:image/png;base64,#" width = "200px"/> </br> <i style="font-size: 200%"></i> </a> ]